Friday, February 15, 2008

There Are No American Civilians - Omar Bin Ladin Explains Why...

A post at LGF...

Video: Osama's Kid on Egyptian TV
Thu, Feb 14, 2008 at 6:10:11 pm PST
He’s got his hair all done up in corn rows, a leather jacket, and a line of leftist groupthink; Osama bin Laden’s son Omar seems to be going for the terrorist glamor boy niche. (From Egyptian TV Channel 1, January 28, 2008. Courtesy of MEMRI TV.)


Islam forbids the killing of "innocents" which they like to translate to civilians.

Yet they slaughter them indiscriminantly.

"How do you explain this contradiction?"

Simple. Pagans can't be innocents, period. You are either in dar al islam (house of submission) or dar al harb (house of war).

I've got a question for George Dubya Bush.

WHY is this POS or any other members of his family OR TRIBE still walking the earth!?

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